Lawn Management and Fertilization Experts in Waterloo, IL

GrassMan Lawn Care » Lawn Care

When searching for a reliable lawn care service, the first thing to look for in a company is that they are state licensed. The applicator should be able to produce a license number that allows them to apply fertilizer and herbicide products to any lawn for hire. It’s illegal for a person to apply fertilizer or herbicide to a property without being properly licensed. This license ensures the company has passed state tests on herbicides and other lawn products, as well as having the proper insurance coverage. Our applicators have a combined experience of 88 years applying these types of products.

Below are the basic management practices we use to establish and maintain healthy and vibrant lawns.

ound Brown Wooden 5-piece Dining Set on Lawn Grass
Insect Control icon

Insect Control

Many kinds of insects or insect-like pests harbor in lawns. Most are more of a nuisance rather than causing serious damage to properties. Occasionally, populations of grubs, armyworms, sod webworms, aphids, leafhoppers, and chinch bugs become large enough to require control.

Our program includes control for these insects.



Cutting turf grass at a minimum height of 3″ will encourage a healthy lawn. Lawns cut below recommended height will discourage deep rooting and may cause the turf to thin and create weed problems. When edging, avoid cutting too close to the ground.

We do not provide lawn mowing services.



Fertilization is important because it improves turf grass density, color, and recuperative potential. A Healthy, properly fertilized, dense turf grass resists weed invasion and can tolerate heat, cold, drought, and wear better.

Keep your lawn healthy with timely and appropriate fertilization by our trained team.

Weed Control

Weed Control

The proper timing of weed control applications is crucial in controlling weeds. Weeds interfere with the beauty and function of turf grass areas.

Our weed control program begins with producing dense, vigorous, healthy turf, which requires proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Our lawn care program includes all this and more.



Your lawn will benefit from at least one core aerification each year to improve air and water movement into the root zone soil.

Aeration will encourage healthy growth in your turf grass, protecting it from unwanted weeds and promoting healthy plant growth in your garden. Our lawn care program includes timely scheduled aeration for your garden.

$ave Some Green - We Offer a 5% Prepay Discount on Our Lawn Care Program!

$ave Some Green - We Offer a 5% Prepay Discount on Our Lawn Care Program!

Premium Lawn Care Program

GrassMan Lawn Care has the equipment and knowledge needed to transform your overgrown or dull yard into a beautiful landscape. Our 5-step treatment program has proven to be effective in caring for all lawns.
Early Spring

Early Spring Application

  • Important pre-emergent application to ensure early and healthy growth
  • Plus, crabgrass and broadleaf weed control
Late Spring

Late Spring Application

  • An important application of fertilizer
  • Additional crabgrass preventer
  • Plus, broadleaf weed control for dandelions, plantain, buckhorn, and many other summer annual weeds

Summer Application

  • Application of insecticide to control grubs, sod webworms, cutworms, chinch bugs, and other insects
  • It includes grub control

Fall Application

  • Heavy application of fertilizer to thicken existing grass to ensure beautiful fall color
  • Includes broadleaf weed control for fall-germinating weeds
  • It also includes micro-nutrients and root builders for your plants

Winter Conditioner Application

  • This application helps grass stay green longer and builds strong roots
  • Promotes rhizome, which makes a thicker and more developed turf

**Upon completing five applications, your service continues year after year. No contract is required.

***Less than five applications are available at a higher cost per application. No contract is required.